It is expected that all children attending Rusper Primary School will wear school uniform. Our school uniform policy is non-gender specific and comprises:
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
- White polo shirt, blouse or shirt
- Bottle green sweater, cardigan or school sweatshirt
- Green/white summer dress (optional)
- Low-heeled black shoes (completely black trainers are acceptable, but no different coloured logos please)
- Wellingtons
For P.E. the uniform comprises:
- Blue or red T-shirt and/or sweatshirt (according to house)
- Black shorts
- Tracksuit trousers for outdoor activities in winter months
- Plimsolls (preferably black)
- Football boots or old trainers (Year 3 - 6)
Uniform with the school's logo, including P.E. bags, book bags and rucksacks, is available from Taylor Made Uniforms , please follow the link for information on how to purchase.
Our Uniform Policy can be found on the Policies page: RPS Uniform Policy