Inclusion / SEND

Our vision for pupils with SEN is to provide access to our broad and exciting curriculum in full. Equal access for all learners. We uphold our duties in respect of the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 to make the learning accessible to pupils with disabilities and specific needs.
At Rusper Primary School we ensure our teaching and learning helps and enables every child to achieve their best. To accomplish this we prioritise Quality First teaching via
- effective assessment and early identification of need
- effective planning of learning to meet needs
- effective adaptation of tasks, resources and environment 
Some children may require additional support during their time at our school. Where appropriate we use trained external specialists to support the assessment and targeting of pupils; and trained school staff to deliver high quality intervention teaching. 
If you would like to discuss your child's needs then please contact the school office to make an appointment. Our school's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENCO) is currently Mrs Rachel Matthews and our governor with responsibility for SEN is Mrs Khobi Patterson-Vallis. Our current Accessibility Plan, latest SEND Information Report and SEND Policy is attached below for your information. 
Please follow this link to view the West Sussex Local Offer: